The Story of the MOMplex coming 2020

The original vision that God placed on my heart was a literal vision of a place where single moms would no longer feel singled out. I imagined a place where moms could live life with other moms who were motivated to make a difference and be close to the resources they needed to succeed without wasting precious time and gas getting across town. Before we even became a nonprofit, I was advised to make sure that we weren’t replicating services or reinventing the wheel. I soon discovered that “villages” complete with resources and robust with relationships existed all over the country & they were willing to share their successful strategies.

After learning about and from successful models like Restoration House, Jeremiah Program, Family Scholar House, Columbus Scholar House and many others, I knew that it was not only possible to make this vision a reality, but necessary if we were going to make a multi-generational impact. It’s important to take care of the children in our community, but it’s imperative that the change begins at home. Thankfully, many of you agree and have come alongside this ministry to make sure both children and their mamas have hope for their future.

For the past 5 years, we’ve been walking alongside single moms who are making a difference and learning so much from them. The moms we work with are some of the hardest working Chattanoogans–sometimes juggling multiple jobs and school in order to rise above making minimum wage. But we know there is a better way. The Scholar House model provides affordable housing for parenting students with childcare and supportive services onsite through collaborative partnerships and in city after city, they’re seeing two-generations transformed by this comprehensive model. Why wouldn’t we do it here in Chattanooga!?!

Well, because these things take a lot of resources, right?! Chattanooga is full of generous people, but it’s also full of nonprofits that have been doing great work for years and years. As a small, barely known nonprofit less than 5 years old, I knew that we’d need more than a great cause and a great model–we needed bold faith and a network of Believers.

Thankfully, that’s what God provided. Over the past 5 years, we’ve had over 350 donors and volunteers who have come alongside us–every single one making a difference. While many of you are friends and family members, the majority of our funding has come from anonymous donors (who could also be one of you :D). I don’t want to name individual names, because this post would be a million miles long AND because at least a couple of you who have been so generous with your time &/or treasure have quoted Matthew 6:2 to me & I learned from that experience. We’re so grateful for your help! It truly takes a village & we could not do it without so much help. Your prayers, provision and participation mean so much! Thanks for believing in this mission!

With your help–especially those of you who were so generous with your wisdom and willing to leverage your connections we’re collaborating with local organizations including The Community Foundation, Chattanooga Housing Authority and several other to gain the MOMentum we need to help single moms and their children shatter statistics and build a better future together with other moms, mentors, and community connections close to campus starting January 2020. We will launch the RISE program inside of the MOMplex; RISE stands for Residents Investing in Strength & Education and includes housing for 6 of our qualified MPower Program (personal and professional development program & support group) participants in a nice, new apartment complex next to UTC campus.

We will still provide services to single moms in college who are not residents as well as expanding our empowerment programs to motivated teen moms in high school to help them prepare for college. We are still looking at what it takes to build a facility of our own because the other models have proven that owning the space can generate sustainable revenue to cover the costs of needed wrap around programs & can allow us to help a lot more moms, so keep praying and keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities.

We’re praising God for all of this coming together. With Him, all things are possible! We’re grateful that He’s led those who have a heart for our mission to join us & we believe and pray that He’ll continue to provide all that is needed to complete the good work that He’s called us to do. To Him be the glory! -Cara

We’d love to invite you to join us for our Christmas Open House on Wednesday December 18, 2019 from 5:30-7:30. Stay tuned for details.

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